Running Different Version of Perl on Mac
Upgrading the installed version of perl on a mac can create problems.An alternative is to use Perlbrew. It allows other installations to be installed and used. New packages can be added to the active perl, without adding it to all perl installations.
Install with
curl -kL | bash
Once installed, initialize in .bash_profile with
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
Mac does not have a make command by default. It must be installed before installing any perl installations. It can be found in Xcode and then the command line tools.
I was able to get the command line tools without installing Xcode from
Find the available perl installations with
perlbrew available
Install a version with
perlbrew install perl-5-16.2
Next, I tried to install cpanminus with
cpan App:cpanminus
It did not install. After switching to perl-5.16.2, it installed.
I am now able to install modules using cpanm into the current perl selected via perlbrew.
I have created a bash script that allows me to switch to a different perl and create an alias named local for the new perl. I also have created a sym link in /usr/local/bin to the local alias. This allows me to change to any perl that I want and not have to change the shebang in the perl files. I use
strip() {
echo -e $1 | tr -d '\r'
#$1 is (out) selection, $2 is prompt, $3 is list of choices
readSelect () {
local L_CHOICE L_LIST=`strip "$3"`
if [ -n "$L_LIST" ]; then
select L_CHOICE in $L_LIST
if [ -n "$L_CHOICE" ]; then
eval "$1=\"$L_CHOICE\""
error "Nothing to select"
choices=`perlbrew list | grep -v "(" | sed -e 's/\* //g' -e 's/ (/_(/g' -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'`
readSelect perl "Select perl installation: " "$choices"
echo "Setting $perl"
perlbrew switch $perl
perlbrew alias delete local
perlbrew alias create $perl local