Friday, May 18, 2018

Audible on Garmin Nuvi

I have a Garmin Nuvi 650. It is old. I cannot find the Audible Manager for Mac that allows me to add books to the GPS.

I used to be able to add books to it.

I changed the SD card, so the old file structure was gone.

I downloaded the book files to my computer.

The fix was simple. Add a folder named Audible in the root of the SD card and copy the book files using Finder. I can listen to the books now.

Nuvi only recognizes .aa format, not .aax. Before downloading from Audible, select the Format4 option, which will download as .aa files.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sanitize RV Water System

I have adapted the notes form

  1. Drain the water heater.
  2. Open drain plug and all faucets.
  3. Turn off water pump when empty.
  4. The recommended ratio of bleach to water is 1/4 cup per 15 gallons. I have a 24 gallon tank, with a 6 gallon hot water heater. I will add 1/2 cup to 30 gallons.
  5. Add the bleach to a gallon of water and added it to the water tank.
  6. Fill the water tank with potable water.
  7. Run the faucets until bleach is smelled from each.
  8. Close valves.
  9. Drive truck to agitate the mixture.
  10. Let sit for 12 hours.
  11. Drain, including hot water heater.
  12. Fill with water. Run faucets until bleach smell is gone.
  13. Drain and fill.

Updating Maps on Garmin Nuvi 650

The internal memory of the Garmin Nuvi 650 is too small for modern maps.

The Nuvi can handle up to a 32 GB SD card. I have a card of 8 GB with maps from 2014 and 2017.

I inserted a new card to install the maps for 2019.

Garmin Express only wants to install to the internal memory.

Use Garmin Express to install the maps on the computer only.

On my Mac, the location is in the my Library/Application Support/Garmin. The old maps are installed in the Maps folder. The new maps are installed in the Express/Maps/NA.2019.11/IMG. The folder has two files, .10 and .11. I copied both to the Garmin/Maps folder. Now they appear in MapInstall.

Use MapInstall to select the memory card on the Nuvi, select the new maps from the drop down and install. The install took 2 hours.

One year late...

On Windows, the maps are in /ProgramData/Garmin. (City Navigator North America NT 2020.10.gmap). I did not have to copy the new maps, they were already in the folder that MapInstall reads.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Using Maven

I have added my web development project using Spring to Maven.

It is easy to set dependencies.

I had a problem connecting to a database using mysql-connector-java-6.0.6.jar. I received an error about the wrong time zone.

The server time zone value 'EDT' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone.
You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) 
to use a more specifc time zone value if you want to utilize time zone support.

I changed to a different mysql server and received an SSL error.

com.mysql.cj.core.exceptions.UnableToConnectException: CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH is required

I attempted to add useSSL=false to my connection string. but it did not fix the problem.

I reverted to mysql-connector-java-5.1.44.jar. It fixed both problems.

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