Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have been developing web applications for many years. I started with Perl many years ago; for the past few years, I have been using Servlets and JSPs. I decided to port an application to ASP.NET, just to see how it went.

I prefer the MVC architecture and have found that in order to implement it, I need to bypass the rich control set that ASP.NET offers. The controller in MVC needs to get all of the requests; since anything with runat="server" is consumed by the associated code file, they cannot be used with a controller.

I use a separate class for the model; accessing this from an ASP is complicated, since a cast is required and the class must be registered in the page. I prefer Expression Language in JSPs.

I talked to a friend who uses ASP.NET all the time and he did help me out with Server.Transfer, which can be used in place of Response.Redirect. However, there is a bug in the Server.Transfer when the form data is to be forwarded. I found a comprehensive discussion of Server.Tranfser.

I will continue to explore. The friend I mentioned suggested that WPF can be used to implement MVC. I will look into that.

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